The Conservative Report: Join in or select a show from the archive here
"Liberty & Tyranny 3" Why does the Government FORCE "We The People" to pay for sin, anyhow?!
Abraham Lincoln here
Gallup Poll here
Gingrich takes on Anti-Christian, Secular Bigotry here
Mike Huckabee video at CPAC 2012 here
The Catechism of the Catholic Church here
A Pro-Life Tidal Wave rising here
- We The People: Our conscience be damned, public funding of abortion that does not even conform with the Hyde Amendment is already here
- We The People pay for International abortions here
- Obama's Un-Mexico City Plan via USAID (US Agency For International "Development") here
- UNFPA (United Nations "De-Population" Fund ) here
- And Coercive Sterilization here
Why the Irish here
- Why Notre Dame is important here
The inflammatory language and clear bias is noted, NPR: "After a legislative struggle — during which the Senate president said he could not support a bill 'condoning discrimination' — Catholic Charities pulled out of the adoption business in 2006." Talk about hypocrisy run wild, as 1st Amendment rights are trampled upon!
Is it "religion" that is forcing its right to free-practice, guaranteed in the 1st Amendment, over homosexuals; or is it selfish people using the government to force their anti-religious behavior over "We the People?!" Rush really is right, and outted the homosexual agenda in his book, "The Way Things Ought To Be." The First Amendment is clear because of the 15th & 17th Centuries. Governments cannot rule over religion & marriage is a religious rite (Holy Matrimony).
So, the obvious answer is to remove government from the position of violating religions & religious rites; which includes de-funding abortion; and mandating, taxing, approving & ruling over marriage. OR stand idly by and enjoy the law suits as more and more religions are sued; so that homosexuals can "marry" (a biblical institution) in your church, take your kids, all while lawyers of the bar association get rich & contribute to Democrats. It's a vicious cycle & needs to end before more souls are lost, because "human value" is not judged based on money, Mr. Marx! "When great forces are on the move in world, we learn we are spirits," Ronald Reagan.
There are other common sense ways to hand out tax credits for raising children. And Air Traffic Controllers know, you can only land one aircraft at a time! Separate & prioritze the bills, Congress.
Battle Foreign Policy: Panetta Betrays Israel & The GOP Primary: CPAC says I do to McCainette's BIG Tent
Romney said "I do" to gay marriage 189 times as Governor here
Romney's Pro-Abortion background here
Governor Romney's pro-choice legislation - it's not just Obamacare! here
Ann Coulter chairs Go Proud here
"Freedom For The Latest Generation" with Special Guest & audio from GOP Oversight on Religious Freedom, Interview with Joe Miller and much, much more
Romney is not the only one who cast a mandated shadow over Christians; Santorum voted for State mandates 3 times in 1996 & is what Red State calls a "Big Government Conservative" (fiscal moderate) here